
What is an asset?

An asset, as defined in the context of, refers to any output or intelligence created or collated by that can be saved and used later. It may or may not have an expiration date. There are three forms of assets: namely, Report Asset, File Asset, and Research Asset.

Why did we introduce the concept of an asset?

As per the current version of, users can only save one form of knowledge created by our platform: reports. Now, expanding our horizons, we have introduced two new forms of knowledge bases that can be interpreted by, learned from, and drawn conclusions from. We wanted to define a term for the knowledge base we create, store, and learn from. Hence, we named it ‘assets’ to put more emphasis on its value within our platform and for our clients’ businesses.

Introducing Asset Table

An Asset Table is an upgrade to the current report table that we have on We have modified this table keeping two problem statements in mind:

  1. Currently, the reports table is on the back-burner, and it sends a message to the user that it is easier to run a new report. It also reduces the value of existing reports that were initiated by users from the same organization or by the same user themselves. Hence, we wanted this table to appear more intuitively in a way that places more emphasis on existing assets.
  2. Since we have three types of assets now, it was important to adapt the table based on the fields that matter to each type of asset.

Understanding the Asset Table

Viewing Assets

SS showing 'View Assets' link

As you can see in the screenshot above, the link to view the Asset Table is right below the Omnibox. In an event where you have not typed anything in the Omnibox, this link will be present for you to refer to the existing assets within Clicking this link, you will see all the assets created in the last seven days. You will have the option of changing the date range.

If you choose to enter at least one input in the Omnibox, the system will try to locate any asset that contains the term you have entered. If it cannot find any asset, it will remove the ‘view asset’ link and encourage you to create a new asset. On the other hand, if the system locates one or more assets created in the last seven days, it will change the link to give the user a count of assets found with the same term. Clicking that link will open the Asset Table showcasing only the assets that match the term entered in the Omnibox.

How the asset count pops up when you enter a term in Omnibox

Report Asset

If the asset is a Report Asset, as seen in the screenshot above, you can view it in a tabular format. Let’s define each element of the table to help you read it accordingly:

  1. Selection/Status Column: This dynamic column alternates between the report’s processing status or gives you the control to add a report to a group of selections. There are three types of status messages, as they are in the current version; ‘Work in Progress’, ‘Taking longer than expected’, and ‘Report Failed’. If this column shows a plus sign, it means that the report is successfully created and ready to access. You can click on the plus and add it to a group of report selections.
  2. Asset Name: When an asset is created, the report name will be auto-populated in a way that best defines the report. However, the user can change it at any time. These names will be displayed here.
  3. Inputs: Input is generally the term you enter in the Omnibox to create a report. This column will show two aspects of input: 1) The actual input that was entered, and 2) The type of input it was, like 1st Party, 3rd Party, keyword, URL, etc.
  4. Intelligence: This column will tell you about the module that was used to create the report. For example, Behavior, Intent, Mentions, Market, etc.
  5. Platform: This is the data source that was accessed to build the report.
  6. View: This shows the type of report it is. For example, a report with intelligence, Behavior, can have a standard view, Advanced AI, Compare, or Overlap view. 
  7. Date: This is the date when the report was created.
  8. Asset ID: The unique ID assigned to the asset.
  9. Portfolio: The portfolio this report belongs to.
  10. Source: The place in the product where you initiated a report from. For example, Omnibox, campaign, etc.
  11. Asset Owner: The name of the user who created the asset.

File Asset

This is a new type of asset that allows a user to add internal and organization-specific knowledge to, allowing the platform to learn from assets created from the platform and uploaded assets (files) to curate a more evolved response.

These assets do not feature in the Asset Table but are shown directly in the Omnibox dropdown and the Asset Management page.

Research Asset

A Research Asset is knowledge that is acquired from public sources available on the internet. When a user asks a question that is not related to a Report Asset or is not available in an already uploaded File Asset, goes into exploration mode and goes through the top links available in search results. It learns from these sources and curates an answer. This answer can be saved as a Research Asset.

This asset is also available in the dropdown on Omnibox when you choose the Asset tab at the top.

Customizing Columns

In the Asset Table, there are different types of reports that a user gets to see. To help a user see and select the right report asset, there are many columns. However, not all columns are equally important to all users. Hence, we have the option of customizing columns that are user-specific in nature.

As shown in the screenshot, click on the “+” button to see the dropdown and select the columns you want to view at the moment or save them as presets to view the exact columns each time you log in. You can also change the placement of the columns as per your preference. For example, if you would like the first column to be the Asset ID, you can drag the column using the mouse.

Actioning Assets

There are two ways that you can action assets:

  1. By sharing, collaborating, and/or deleting the asset.
  2. By selecting and using the asset in a process.


This feature is the same as the current feature, where the user can share a report. However, the two rules of sharing have changed:

  1. All assets, once created, are now shared with the entire organization by default. A user will have to mark an asset as Private if it need not be shared.
  2. Sharing reports with individuals within the organization is no longer available as a feature.

Selecting Asset

Selecting an asset is a feature that enables a user to pick one or more assets and carry out a group function with them. The following are the group functions that are available once the assets are selected:

  1. Starting a conversation.
  2. Changing their portfolio.
  3. Adding them to a custom tag.

Walk Through

Schedule Demo and Unleash the Potential is a consumer intelligence platform that analyses behavioral data from tik tok, meta, google, snapchat and pinterest to tell you what your audience thinks, searches, buys and content they consume. Unlock the power of first party intelligence strengthened by real time behavioral signals from digital marketing platforms.

In the demo, we will:

Schedule Call

Schedule Demo and Unleash the Potential is a consumer intelligence platform that analyses behavioral data from tik tok, meta, google, Snapchat to tell you what your audience thinks, searches, buys and content they consume. Unlock the power of first party intelligence strengthened by real time behavioral signals from digital marketing platforms.
In the demo, we will:

Schedule Call

Schedule Demo and Unleash the Potential is a consumer intelligence platform that analyses behavioral data from tik tok, meta, google, snapchat and pinterest to tell you what your audience thinks, searches, buys and content they consume. Unlock the power of first party intelligence strengthened by real time behavioral signals from digital marketing platforms.

In the demo, we will:

Schedule Call