How revolutionized lead generation for a medical device company amid changing ad regulations

The challenge for a Medical Device Company was to find effective ways to reach out to audiences who are likely to have certain disease conditions and collect lead information via their website

0 X

Increase in lead volume

0 %

Lower cost per lead

The Story

Adapting to Change

The traditional approach of targeting interests related to health was driving leads, but in mid-2022 Meta removed health-related and sensitive interests as targeting options to protect consumer privacy

The Goal

The brand needed a way to adapt to their targeting strategy within the remaining options available across each ad platform that ensured regulatory compliance within the healthcare sector. The goal was to find adjacent scale for their digital campaigns targeting to both their HCP and DTC lines of business.

The Solution

Client Challenges Faced:

  • Meta: To find effective ways to reach out to relevant audiences without health-related interests as targeting options which was driving leads.
  • Reduce the qualified leads CPA while increasing lead volume. 
  • Google: Identify and convert the leads of Health care providers through the Performance Max campaigns without first party data
  • TikTok: Lower the historically high CPA for qualified leads

Platform Challenges:

  • Meta: The traditional approach of targeting interests related to health was driving leads, but in mid-2022 Facebook removed health-related and sensitive interests as targeting options to protect consumer privacy. 
  • Google: Identify the niche audience of Health care providers who would like to fill a lead for device sampling, without any learning from an existing 1st party audience
  • TikTok: The Brand had no insight into their audience on TikTok or how to lower CPL

How helps:

  • Meta: Unpacking the valuable audiences and creating interest targeting with Continuous optimization to learn the top performing interests and Budget strategy. 
  • Google: Using intent and mindset data to create custom segments of keyword, URLs & search themes for performance campaigns and optimizing the asset groups.
  • TikTok: Unpacked high qualified leads as the audience to learn and derive the interest targeting, which drove qualified leads at a lower CPA than standard Lookalike audience targeting.

Securing New Cohorts



Luxury Goods

Television Streaming

Subscription Business Model

The Results

  • 3x increase in volume of leads at 32% lower Cost per lead on Meta

  • 29% improvement in Cost per lead on Google Performance Max campaigns  

  • 25% improvement in Cost per Lead on TikTok


Behavioural reports that builds itself over the intelligence of over 2 million consumer signals analysed to unearth what truly comprises your consumer’s behaviours for media strategy and activation as a layer of intelligence over walled gardens.
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Schedule Demo and Unleash the Potential is a consumer intelligence platform that analyses behavioral data from tik tok, meta, google, snapchat and pinterest to tell you what your audience thinks, searches, buys and content they consume. Unlock the power of first party intelligence strengthened by real time behavioral signals from digital marketing platforms.

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Schedule Demo and Unleash the Potential is a consumer intelligence platform that analyses behavioral data from tik tok, meta, google, Snapchat to tell you what your audience thinks, searches, buys and content they consume. Unlock the power of first party intelligence strengthened by real time behavioral signals from digital marketing platforms.
In the demo, we will:

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Schedule Demo and Unleash the Potential is a consumer intelligence platform that analyses behavioral data from tik tok, meta, google, snapchat and pinterest to tell you what your audience thinks, searches, buys and content they consume. Unlock the power of first party intelligence strengthened by real time behavioral signals from digital marketing platforms.

In the demo, we will:

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