Exclusive Look: The Battle between consumr.ai and GPT

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Just a few years ago the term “AI” was tossed around in every corner by those who wanted to appear cutting-edge, but the reality was far from it. Today, Large Language Models (LLMs) have revolutionized our approach to work and have fast forwarded us to an era where imagining AGI  (Artificial General Intelligence) is no longer a work of fiction. Organizations are now envisioning slimmed-down workforces while entrepreneurs aim for unicorn status with a fraction of the staff. At ProfitWheel, we knew the buzz around AI was building but never anticipated the heights it would take our product. AI has become the backbone of our system, allowing us to merge technology with product intelligence for outstanding results. Post-GPT, the market saw an influx of start-ups offering AI-driven services like email writing, copywriting or blog writing. Many couldn’t keep up, while the rest are just hanging in there. We were determined not to outlast the rest. Through in-depth exploration, we identified two crucial aspects for harnessing LLMs effectively:

1. Your Prompts are Critical

Everyone has  learned that GPT isn’t simply a search engine. The principle of “Garbage in, Garbage out” holds especially true for LLMs. As long as you are clear about what you want, you have to explain it to the model in detail. They’re not sentient, nor are they an example of General Intelligence, so don’t look at them for advice. At least, not yet.

At consumr.ai, data-driven intelligence is our forte. We realized that if we could wrap our product’s intelligent outputs with carefully crafted prompts, we could achieve some truly exciting results.

2. Control your Knowledge Bank

LLMs like GPT draw upon the vast knowledge of the internet, which can be outdated or very broad. Think of it as your brain absorbing tons of data but consciously using only what’s necessary and per context at a moment in time. Change the situation and it has the capability of using the same information differently. LLMs are similar; they need a controlled knowledge bank to produce specific information. That’s exactly what we’ve done at consumr.ai, and the results have been remarkable.

Now, let’s look at some comparisons to illustrate our points:

We posed the same question about consumer behavior regarding the Apple MacBook to both ChatGPT and consumr.ai’s conversation engine. The question was: “Can you give me some behavioral insights into the consumers of Apple MacBook?”

ChatGPT's Response

ChatGPT did what it does best – synthesizing internet knowledge into a seemingly smart response. Yet the information was generic, lacked statistics, and its currency was uncertain. It strives for neutrality, focusing heavily on vocabulary.

Response from consumr.ai

In contrast, consumr.ai’s controlled knowledge bank directed relevant data into the LLM, resulting in highly pertinent answers with the same eloquence as GPT. The responses were specific, data-driven, recent, actionable, and ready to be added to crucial presentation decks.

We pushed It to the Next Level

We knew LLMs could interpret text and numbers. However, can we conditionally summon the intelligence of a Gen AI to analyze a situation, make a decision, and instruct the system to take an action? We embarked on months of R&D to find this out. Here’s another comparison to showcase our progress.

ChatGPT's Response to Question #2

ChatGPT referenced Reddit comments but still provided an incomplete picture. The charisma in writing remained, but actionability was low.

Response from consumr.ai to Question #2

Consumr.ai demonstrated a unique process, tapping into its knowledge bank to realize when new data assets were needed. It engaged interactively to generate a report, then produced an unbiased and detailed answer.

The categorization is precise. The answer was relevant and data driven. Thanks to the recency of the knowledge bank’s data, the answer was no more than 7 to 30 days old. The data is actionable, for everything from research and strategy decks to communication plans and product development.


This isn’t about diminishing GPT’s achievements; on the contrary, LLMs like GPT paved the way for platforms like consumr.ai to excel. The aim here is to inspire solution providers to refine their data and utilize generative AI to transform it into actionable insights. The Martech field isn’t just guiding marketing teams anymore; it’s becoming a business consultant, offering real-time advice for entire businesses.  

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consumr.ai is a consumer intelligence platform that analyses behavioral data from tik tok, meta, google, snapchat and pinterest to tell you what your audience thinks, searches, buys and content they consume. Unlock the power of first party intelligence strengthened by real time behavioral signals from digital marketing platforms.

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consumr.ai is a consumer intelligence platform that analyses behavioral data from tik tok, meta, google, Snapchat to tell you what your audience thinks, searches, buys and content they consume. Unlock the power of first party intelligence strengthened by real time behavioral signals from digital marketing platforms.
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consumr.ai is a consumer intelligence platform that analyses behavioral data from tik tok, meta, google, snapchat and pinterest to tell you what your audience thinks, searches, buys and content they consume. Unlock the power of first party intelligence strengthened by real time behavioral signals from digital marketing platforms.

In the demo, we will:

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