Pin to Snap: Brands Tackle Social Media’s Split Personality for Consumer Wins!

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In the ever-evolving landscape of social media, platforms such as Facebook, Pinterest, Snapchat, and TikTok have emerged as distinct ecosystems, each nurturing unique user experiences and communities. This diversity is not merely superficial; it represents a profound difference in the way audiences engage with content, making it imperative for advertisers to adopt a more nuanced and platform-specific approach to their marketing strategies. 

Facebook, with its broad, multi-generational user base, offers a traditional social networking experience where detailed storytelling, community engagement, and brand loyalty thrive. It is a platform where long-form content and in-depth discussions can foster strong connections between brands and their audience. Pinterest, on the other hand, serves as a visual discovery engine, attracting users with its pinboards full of inspiration for lifestyle, home decor, fashion, and DIY projects. It is a haven for brands that can visually inspire and guide users towards making a purchase. 

Snapchat caters to a younger demographic, offering ephemeral content that demands creativity and spontaneity from advertisers. It is a platform where short-lived campaigns, interactive AR filters, and Snap Ads can create memorable experiences for a dynamic, mobile-first audience. TikTok, the newest addition to the social media pantheon, has captured the zeitgeist of Gen Z with its short-form video content, fostering a culture of virality, trends, and challenges that brands can use for unparalleled engagement and reach. 

The average social media user aged 16 to 64 accesses 6.7 platforms monthly, indicating the fragmented nature of online audiences.  In addition, the average user spends anywhere from 33 Minutes (Facebook and TikTok) to 14 minutes on Pinterest and Snapchat on a adaily basis. This fragmentation underscores the importance of using advanced consumer insights platforms like, which allow for refined targeting strategies using 1st party data combined with behavioral intelligence. 

Furthermore, given the stark differences in audience preferences and behaviors across these platforms, employing a one-size-fits-all marketing strategy is likely to be ineffectiveBy leveraging, advertisers can gain detailed insights into audience interests and behaviors specific to each social channel, enabling them to tailor their strategies and targeting with precision.   

GlowUp,” an eco-friendly beauty brand, could use Facebook to share educational content on sustainable beauty, targeting eco-friendly enthusiasts. On Pinterest, it could showcase zero-waste beauty and skincare tips, appealing to those interested in sustainability. Snapchat’s interactive AR filters could demonstrate GlowUp’s product effects, attracting a younger audience, while TikTok collaborations with eco-conscious influencers could promote sustainable beauty challenges, leveraging the platform’s trend-driven community. 

However, the failure to adopt a channel-specific approach could have detrimental effects for GlowUp. For instance, a one-size-fits-all ad that overlooks Pinterest’s visual and aspirational nature might not inspire action, while the same content on Snapchat could seem out of place amidst the platform’s dynamic, interactive content. This lack of tailored engagement and connection to GlowUps audience interest and passions could result in missed opportunities to connect with key targets, ultimately impacting GlowUp’s brand recognition and sales. 
Beyond ad types and formats to more effectively engage with different media platform users, it is crucially important to understand the nuances of passions and interest of the audiences GlowUp is attempting to engage with across each of the platforms. If we unpack GlowUps audiences across each of the channels, let’s identify some interests these audiences would display. Obviously, beauty and fashion are closely aligned but within Pinterest we find that GlowUp’s audience displays affection for Outdoors, Nature and Fitness. This opens up the door for Glowup to both target these audiences and include content related to these interests ( hiking, nature and outdoors type content).  

This tailored approach, using platforms like for granular insights into audience behaviors and interests, is crucial for effectively engaging with each platform’s unique audience. By employing sophisticated, AI and data-driven strategies that cater to the preferences of each channel’s audience, advertisers can significantly enhance the effectiveness of their campaigns, especially in the upper and mid-sections of the purchase funnel. 

In the awareness phase, exact target definitions enable brands like GlowUp to craft compelling narratives that resonate with the platform’s user base, increasing brand recall and affinity. As potential customers move to consideration, personalized, behavior-driven content can significantly enhance engagement rates, gently nudging the audience down the funnel towards conversion.

Moving beyond Glowup’s example, let us consider one of existing users. Their current client base is diverse as an online retailer focused on outdoor cooking and outdoor living type equipment. To grow their business, it is imperative they focus on the right interests and passions that are important to their audience. After unpacking their own audiences on Pinterest and Meta, they realized quickly that on Pinterest the audience enjoys Meat, Garden Design, Outdoor Lighting and Appetizers. Targeting those interests drove tremendous success and decreased customer acquisition costs by 70%.  
Conversely, the same audience they ran on Facebook showed those individuals are more closely aligned with Automobiles, Gardening, Furniture and Construction. 

Imagine that. The same audience shows different behaviors and preferences on different media platforms.  
Utilizing advanced technology platforms such as will enable advertises to unlock consumers interests, leverage AI and data driven strategies to be more successful in their marketing efforts. Getting your Brands message heard by the right ears with right content is the golden ticket for brand loyalty and driving business results.

Is it time for you to consider the need to better understand and target your best audiences?

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Schedule Demo and Unleash the Potential is a consumer intelligence platform that analyses behavioral data from tik tok, meta, google, snapchat and pinterest to tell you what your audience thinks, searches, buys and content they consume. Unlock the power of first party intelligence strengthened by real time behavioral signals from digital marketing platforms.

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